Monday 7 July 2014

SKETCHarts Studio
NATA sketching
JEE B.Arch sketching
NID sketching
NIFT sketching
DCA sketching
JAMIA sketching
CEPT sketching
CEED sketching  etc.

SKETCHarts Studio
NATA sketching
JEE B.Arch sketching
NID sketching
NIFT sketching
DCA sketching
JAMIA sketching
CEPT sketching
CEED sketching  etc.

sketching for any reason must be handled technically too.we never believe in copying things. its basic body proportions,angles,basic shapes etc. must be taken carefully.
we consider all this for the preparation of all art-design-architecture entrance exams coaching like NATA / JEE (B.Arch) / NID / NIFT / PEARL/DCA / JAMIA / CEPT / CEED etc.

we handle sketching & designing portfolios to study abroad too.